Random Journal Prompt
var prompts = [ "What is one of your earliest memories when your submissiveness came to the surface?", "What is something you regret doing?", "What is the best advice you were ever given?", "What is something you regret not doing?", "How long did it take for you to obtain your collar? What process did you go through for your collar?", "Think about something you wish you had known ten years ago. If you could go back and give yourself the advice you needed at the time, how would your life change?", "Write a letter to yourself five years ago.", "Write a letter to yourself five years from now.", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I got to this point in my submissive journey because I am ____.\"", "Imagine a crystal ball that can give you the answer to one question about your future. What would you ask? What would you hope to see?", "Describe five nice things that happened to you in the past week. Then, list five nice things you will do for others next week.", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"Tomorrow, I’m finally going to ____.\"", "Write a summary of a book about your life as a submissive.", "What was your first sexual/play encounter with your current Dominant like for you? If you don't have a current Dominant, talk about your previous Dominant.", "What would you do with your Dominant's collar if they died while you were in a relationship with them?", "When was the last time you made yourself a priority? If you don't remember the last time, why haven't you?", "It’s 100 years in the future, and someone just dug up a time capsule of your life. Describe the items inside it and what you hope they communicate about you. Tie each item back to a memory from your life.", "Have you ever been part of a poly dynamic? Did you enjoy it? Would you be in one again?", "How did you know life as a submissive suited you?", "Turn to an entry in your journal or diary from a year or more ago. What has changed, and what has stayed the same since then?", "What was your first Dominant/submissive encounter?", "Write about your first power exchange relationship. How does that differ from the one you are in now?", "Have you experienced sub frenzy? What was it like for you?", "When you are near the end of your life, reflecting on your choices and the years you have lived, what would you like to remember?", "How do you see your submission maturing and changing in a year, five years, ten years?", "How much input do you want to have when planning a scene? How much do you want to know about the Dominant’s plans before they happen?", "What is your favorite scene from a book or movie that evoked a sense of your submission?", "Over the past week, what did you do to bring yourself closer to reaching your submissive goals? What can you do over the coming week to achieve further progress?", "Have you attended a munch group? What were your impressions? Have you been back? Why or why not?", "Does your submission let you build on your strengths? Do you have any strengths and talents that you’re not using at the moment?", "Is there any information you wished you came across early on in your submissive journey? Is there something you wish existed then or even now?", "Who or what inspires you in your life?", "Do you know any 'dying' skills like sewing, hand-quilting, soap making, canning, etc.? How does this improve your service? What skills would you like the opportunity to learn?", "Within the next year, how can you improve your submission?", "What’s one thing you want to accomplish before you retire?", "Do you go to public/open play parties or dungeons? What sort of experience is it for you?", "What are you reading or studying right now that could improve your level of submission or service?", "Is focus something you strive for in your life? Do you meditate or do other practices which allow you to focus?", "Are there areas in your life where you are encouraged to be independent?", "Name one fictional character who would be a good role model for an aspiring submissive and explain why.", "Do you have a mentor? If you sought out a mentor, would you want one that is submissive or Dominant?", "How has your Dominant encouraged you to grow as a person? As a submissive?", "Are you active in groups or communities with others in a similar lifestyle? Do you prefer to focus on your dynamic or to socialize and be involved with others?", "Finish this sentence and then continue writing, \"If I could be Dominant for one day, I would _____.\"", "If training is a part of your submission, are you trained in specific timeframes, or is it an on-going process that is part of every day? Have you completed your training?", "How has technology changed how you serve your Dominant? Is it improved, or are there issues with its use?", "What ten words would you use to describe yourself to someone?", "What is one of the most valuable services you can or do provide?", "What unexpected skill have you found to be most helpful in your service?", "What advice would you give a new submissive just exploring submission?", "How do you define strength, and do you see yourself as strong? Is submission unaffected by the presence or absence of strength? Could you see yourself submitting to someone less strong than yourself?", "What's something that makes you feel renewed and ready to take on the world?", "What sort of society would be ideal to allow a submissive to express themselves fully? What aspects of our current culture get in the way of this? What is there in your life now which gets in the way?", "What does 24/7 power exchange mean to you?", "Do you consider yourself proactive, reactive, or a blend of the two?", "What wisdom would you like to share with others?", "What has to happen before you find your place in service or submission to another?", "What is one quality you think most Dominants possess?", "Do you feel it is most effective that an experienced owner acts as a mentor for their potential submissives, or should skilled submissives outside the relationship act as a mentor?", "What are your current wants and needs in your relationship? Have any wants or needs changed since you first started exploring submission?", "Is power exchange a need or a want in your life?", "What is a successful relationship? What characteristics does a successful relationship have?", "Are you monogamous, polyamorous, or have an open relationship?", "Write a thank you letter to someone you know in the Lifestyle.", "How do you vet a Dominant? What's your process of checking them out before you meet or play with them?", "What is your favorite physical manifestation of D/s?", "Do you live your D/s in secret?", "What are your Dominant's daily expectations of you?", "Have you had a mentor before? What can having a mentor do for you?", "What have you done today to honor your Dominant?", "Are you ever jealous of your Dominant? How do you cope?", "Does your partner have any pet names for you? Are there any nicknames that you do not like?", "Write a love letter to your Dominant." ]; function randomPrompt() { var resultElement = document.getElementById('randomItem'); var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * prompts.length); resultElement.textContent = prompts[randomIndex]; };
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { prompts = prompts.concat([ "Does your Dominant stand on courtesy? Do they use please and thank you with requests from you? How does it make you feel? Does it still feel like an order if they ask?" "Do you and your partner celebrate any special holidays? Do you celebrate the standard holidays in unique ways, with special rituals, because of your D/s status?", "What do you want to ask your fellow submissives?", "What are you thankful for in your relationship or with your partner?", "What are your sleeping arrangements? Do you sleep with your Dominant? On the floor? In a cage? In another room?", "Our Dominants teach us so much about ourselves. What is something you've taught your Dominant?", "Think about a relationship you need to improve in your life. What went wrong, and what can you do to fix it?", "Are you allowed to express your own opinion if it differs from that of your Dominant?", "What do you do when your Dominant hurts your feelings?", "If you aren't currently involved in a power exchange dynamic, how do you see it developing in your life? If you are currently involved in a dynamic, how did you incorporate the new responsibilities into your existing life ones?", "Is there something (a type of play, an act of service, a rule, or requirement) that you don’t enjoy but submit to anyway?", "Are you allowed to show your lust for your partner? How do you approach your partner when you want sex?", "Is trust in your Dominant a necessity for your submission?", "Name three people you admire. Do they know you admire them? How did they change your life?", "Have you ever looked through a Dominant’s bag and thought something was unsafe to be used as a toy? What did you do?", "If a submissive is released and then the Dominant wants them back, should they go back? What considerations should there be for that scenario?", "What do people like about you? Are these the same things you like about yourself?", "How does your Dominant discipline you?", "Write a letter to someone who has always been there for you.", "Write a letter to someone you’ve lost, whether they’ve died or simply drifted away from your life. What do you have left to tell them?", "How do you recover from a relationship ending?", "Do the people in your life understand you well? Is there something you wish they knew about you that you’ve kept hidden so far? Conversely, is there anyone who understands you better than you know yourself?", "Talk about the ways you’re different from your parents. How did it impact your relationship with them?", "What are ways you can be submissive without a partner?", "What is your understanding of "Topping from the Bottom"?", "What is your most favorite part of your Dominant's body? Do you pay special attention to it? How would you feel about having to worship that body part as a part of your service?", "What have you done today to honor your relationship?", "Does romance have its place in a D/s relationship?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I owe an apology to ____.\"", "What is an assumption people tend to make about you?", "What do you value most in a friend?", "Does being in love with your Dominant change the dynamic?", "What pet names does your partner have for you, and do you respond differently to different forms of address?", "How open are you to others about the lifestyle choices you make? Have you told any of your family members? What were their responses?", "Do you ever view service to be an “invisible convenience” to your Dominant?", "Do you look to other submissives and peers for support or validation?", "Do D/s relationships tend to develop more quickly than vanilla relationships?", "Do you consider yourself dependent on your Dominant? Is this a positive or negative thing to be in your opinion? Is becoming dependent a goal in your dynamic?", "Do your beliefs closely match your Dominant’s? In areas where they do not, can the differences cause difficulty? How do you reconcile differences?", "How do you ask for forgiveness from your Dominant?", "Can one be partially owned?", "How do you greet your Dominant upon their arrival?", "What would you do with your Dominant's collar if they died while you were in service to them?", "Does your Dominant discipline you as a part of maintenance even if you have been good?", "If your Dominant discovered his morals in one particular area were different from what he initially thought, and they were different from your own, how would you feel?", "How important is it to you that your ethics match theirs?", "What is one thing you have taught or are teaching your Dominant?", "Did you know when you entered your relationship that it would be a Dominant/submissive relationship, or has it evolved from a different dynamic over time?", "Do you test boundaries at times? Why or why not?", "Is there such a thing as a “true” submissive?", "What personal hygiene acts do you perform as service for your Dominant?", "Has your D/s relationship ever crossed the line into the realm of abuse or domestic violence?", "What are some of the more unique things you do to please your Dominant?", "Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others or attempting to live up to a mythical ideal?", "Are you allowed to give gifts to your Dominant for holidays, birthdays, or other events? Do you get an allowance or amount of money to use, or do you make them/ask your partner for the money?", "What song or lyric reminds you of your relationship?", "What name or title do you have for your Dominant?", "What are you struggling with right now?", "When you hesitate to write something, what reminder can you give yourself to be as completely honest as you can, both factually and emotionally?", "What makes you insecure? How do you handle insecurity in the context of your relationship? Outside the relationship? How does your Dominant handle it?", "What are your main coping mechanisms? Are they serving you well?", "Do you struggle with depression? How has being submissive helped you recover?", "Imagine a world where you could do everything you like without being judged by the people around you. Would anything change in your life?", "Describe a mistake you made recently, big or small. How did you deal with it?", "How do you deal with coming down after an intense scene?", "How do you juggle work, family, and submission? What is the most challenging part?", "What aspect of your life has been the hardest to surrender? Why?", "How do you handle your temper around your Dominant? Are you allowed to express it in some way?", "When was the last time you were punished? How have things changed since then?", "Have you felt pushed to an emotional edge? How would you describe that moment?", "What service was hard for you to do? How are you working on it? Have you overcome it?", "How do you communicate when you are angry/upset?", "Have you ever wished you could reconnect with an ex-partner? How have you reconciled those feelings?", "Are you encouraged to use dirty talk during sexual play? How does it make you feel?", "How do you handle your Dominant's disappointment in you or your performance in a task?", "How does external stress affect your submission or service?", "How do you react when your Dominant expects something of you that you are not prepared to give? Is that the way you want to respond, and how does your Dominant want you to respond?", "How do you handle failing at a task your Dominant gives?", "What do you want to know but are too timid to ask?", "If you invented a device that could fix one problem you are facing right now, would you use it? What problem would you like to solve?", "Pick one thing that’s standing in the way of your dreams. What could you achieve if that one thing was removed from your life?", "Have you ever become so discouraged that you gave up on kink for a time? What caused this despair? How did it work, returning to vanilla? What caused you to return to kink?", "Have you ever been given a task that you just couldn't do?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I need to accept that ____.\"", "How do you respond to a crisis?", "If you became ill or injured at a BDSM play space or event- What would you do? What could the others around you do if you aren't able to? What is a simple way to prepare for a health situation that would require contacting your family?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"Sometimes I hate being a submissive because _____.\", "For poly submissives: Are you ever jealous of the time your Dominant spends with other partners in the relationship? How do you cope with that?", "Talk about something that scares you.", "Reflect on a time you chose to submit when it was difficult.", "How would you handle being outed in the vanilla world?", "How did you discover your triggers? Did you have obvious things in your life or past that made you aware of possible triggers?", "What do you do to define your work mindset from your submissive one?", "What lost art or etiquette lesson do you think would brighten your service to your Dominant?", "Is there something you never thought you would do but are considering with your current partner?", "How would you train someone else to serve your Dominant if you were asked to do so?", "Would you ever go through some training with a Dominant that was not your own? What for?", "Do you spend time in a cage or confined area? How does it make you feel? Why are you placed there?", "What has been the most difficult hurdle to cross?", "Are you a social person? What would you do if your Dominant wished you not to socialize? Would you be able to obey their wishes comfortably, or would you feel the request was unnatural for you?", "If SM is a part of your dynamic, explain how pain works for you. Is it a sexual turn-on, a healing release, a spiritual moment, a session of giving?", "What has changed within your dynamic this past year? Is it a positive or negative change? How has it affected how you serve?", "Discuss the last time you broke a rule. What happened? Have you broken that rule before? Do you think it is one you may break again?", "Are there areas that you have pushed yourself to explore? Are there areas you want to explore but need someone to make you?", "What do you think is the biggest misconception from the outside world regarding BDSM?" ]); });
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { prompts = prompts.concat([ "What is your favorite rule?", "What do you know of your Dominant's reasons for the rules and orders you are to follow? Why does he request these things? What is he trying to teach you?", "What are your Dominant's daily expectations of you?", "If you have a list of rules, how often are they sorted through, changed or additions made?", "Do you have alone time? Is it scheduled into your routine, or is it as needed? What do you do with your alone time?", "Do you know any specialized service skills such as high-end housekeeping and decorating, high tea service, Japanese Tea ceremony, foot massage, etc.?", "Do you have rituals such as waking, cleaning, beauty, exercise, dressing? Do they have meaning, or are they just something that you do? Do you have a centering ritual?", "What is a recent addition to your training? How did it come about? Are you adjusting well?", "Write a letter to your body. It’s up to you to decide on the tone — is it a letter of congratulations, an apology, a letter of complaint? When you reread it, does it feel like a letter to a friend?", "Do you have a meditation and relaxation ritual? What does it entail?", "Do you have limits or restrictions on technology? Can you watch as much TV as you want, use the Internet however you'd like, or do you have rules to follow as to their use?", "What is protocol, and how does it enhance your service?", "Are you voice trained? Does your Dominant have a preference on how you communicate with them?", "Make a list of five substitutes for the traditional black leather submiisive collar. Try wearing one of these substitutes for the day. How does it make you feel? Do you find yourself aware of the collar? Of yourself as a submissive?", "Do birthday spankings happen in your relationship? What are they like? Do you have any unique details for the birthday spanking that don't happen any other time of year?" "How does your submission affect your daily routine? Do you have a bedtime or wake-up time? Do you need to check-in or ask permission for anything?", "Why do you want to be under someone else’s control?", "Do you find pleasure in everyday tasks and see them as a part of your submission? What chores do you perform and take extra pride in making sure your partner is pleased?", "Do you have a ritual where you worship your Dominant in any respect?", "Describe your morning in detail. Do you have a consistent morning routine? Is there anything you could do in the mornings to make your day easier?", "What purpose do contracts serve? Would you or do you have a contract in place? What are the pros and cons of having a written contract?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I spend too much time on ____.\"", "Write down the first five things that come to your mind when you think about being a domestic servant for your partner.", "What resources do you have in your service-based arsenal? What would you recommend for domestics, cooking, cleaning, and other forms of service?", "What skill would you most like to learn to enhance your service?", "If you menstruate: are certain forms of play off-limits during menstruation? How do you play differently during your period?", "Think about and respond to this passage from a Submissive’s Creed: \"I will accept the responsibility of discovering what pleases my Top and will do my best to fulfill his wishes and desires.\"', "Do you journal for yourself, or is it something your Dominant expects? Does your partner read your journal? Do you write with your Dominant in mind as an audience?", "Reflect on your daily life and describe in detail an everyday activity that you have ritualized.", "What does your collar mean and symbolize to you?", "What is your favorite form of service?", "How do you replenish or recharge yourself after a very powerful or exhausting session?", "Define love.", "Is it necessary for you to shave everywhere?", "How are you feeling today?", "What are your core values? Are you living your life by them?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I am courageous because I ____.\"", "What special training would you like to have? What benefit would it serve?", "How do you handle disagreements and conflicts?", "When you are in a submissive state, are there things that expressly turn you off? When you are feeling particularly submissive, are there things that will put you straight back into neutral?", "Is it okay to be angry about your submission? Does submitting bring out the anger in you? Why do you think submitting brings out anger in someone?", "How did you decide that you were submissive? If you haven’t decided yet, what qualities do you consider to be those of submissives?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"My great strength in submission is _____.\"", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I love being submissive because _____.\"", "How do you feel when you kneel or crawl?", "Do you feel there is a learning curve in submission? Do you think you have to unlearn certain things that society has taught you?", "In the beginning, did you ever wonder if you would lose your sense of self somehow in your submission? Has that proven to be the case? Is that still a question for you?", "What part of your self or independence has been the hardest for you to surrender?", "Are you a quiet, obedient submissive, or is there an element of playful brattiness in your dynamic? How does your partner encourage or enhance who you are?", "What ten words would you use to describe yourself to someone?", "Do you like yourself? Do you accept yourself? Do you love yourself?", "What is weighing on your heart right now?", "Write a submissive pledge for yourself. Make sure you write about only things you can control within yourself.", "What is the essential core of submission for you?", "What is the one quality you think most subs possess?", "Do you procrastinate, or are you always ahead of schedule? Is it difficult to adjust your habits to someone else’s preference if they are procrastinators and you are not, or vice versa?", "Protect the property. What does this statement mean to you? Is this a rule in your relationship? If so, how does it manifest? If not, who is responsible for the health and wellbeing of the property?", "When do you feel the most beautiful?", "What are a few of your favorite things?", "How does spirituality affect your submission? Have your spiritual beliefs made it difficult to balance your submission? Or is it a natural extension?", "How does where you live affect your journey as a submissive? Include things such as exposure to a larger in-person community, clothing, and actions, how it may (or does) affect your vanilla life if discovered as a submissive.", "How do you feel about pride? Can a submissive have pride in their service?", "Imagine a biography written about you. What would the title and tagline be? Which parts would be the most fun to read? What kind of people would appreciate reading it the most?", "How do you maintain your focus? Do you have a specific mindset you strive for every day?", "What is your inner monologue like during any given moment? Is it positive or negative? Do you tend to listen to that voice? Argue with it? Struggle against it?", "Do you find honesty hard if you know it will cause pain? Is it easier to be honest with yourself or someone else?", "Is it possible to live without doubts? Can doubts be a positive thing to have?", "Do you find a sense of security in serving or being owned?", "Define the word \"kinky\" according to your sexuality.", "Is it wrong to believe in something or someone without proof?", "What gives you more energy: being around people or spending time alone?", "Compose a bucket list.", "Do you feel your life is in balance? Is there something you should be doing more or less to maintain balance?", "How do you stay focused on your service?", "What happens when you are not in the mood to submit?", "What do you need that you are not currently getting?", "Complete this sentence and then keep writing: \"I knew I was a submissive when _____.\"", "What have you done today to honor yourself?", "Do you struggle with sub drop? How are you cared for during this time?", "Write a letter to yourself for when you are experiencing sub drop, and you need a calm voice, your own voice, to help you get through a difficult moment.", "Do you have a mediation ritual related to your submission? What is it like?", "Do you have a submissive mantra? What is it, and how did you come to use it?", "As a general rule, have you found acceptance to be easy or difficult? Is it beneficial to your dynamic?", "What have you discovered in your service that you never expected?", "What is your submissive style? Are you bratty, reserved, outspoken, angelic? Why do you think you are this way? Does it work well with your partner? Where would you place your partner as far as style? Is there a different style that comes out in play vs. the everyday relationship?", "When are you most aware of being submissive?", "Are some tasks easier when you’re turned on?", "Do you or are you the type of person who enjoys being micromanaged? Why or why not?", "Make a Gratitude List. Every day for the next week, add one thing to your list.", "How does love impact your submission to another?", "Do you consider yourself a patient person?", "What activity that you engage in involves all of you; mind, body, and soul?", "List: What I love about myself", "How do you reflect your gender identity in your service?", "Where does sex fall on your list of basic needs?", "Is the inner you aligned with the outer you?", "Is patience valuable to your submission? Is silence? If you incorporate these into your practices, what lessons have you learned, and how has it helped you?", "Part 1: I am... In the style of an affirmation or poem, list your roles, strengths, and weaknesses. Part 2: I believe... Following your exploration of who you are, what are your beliefs, faith, internal voice, and feelings? Part 3: Using parts one and two as a starting point: how does my submission enrich my life, follow my beliefs, and help me be the best I am in my service.", "What are ways you express your submission in public or secret ways you can express it or tap into it without others knowing?", "Do you ever have submissive immersion where you have times that your role is more pronounced and you do things very structured and organized?" ]); });
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { prompts = prompts.concat([ "We all know that roses are a common symbol of love. What flower do you think describes your submission? Why?", "When do you feel the most at peace with your position?", "Describe a time where you were proud of yourself.", "When you’re in a bad mood, what can you do to turn your day around?", "What makes you happy about the place you live?", "Complete this thought: \"The best things about being a submissive _____.\"", "Describe an event that changed you for the better.", "Do you have a favorite quote that relates to your submission?", "Talk about something you grew out of that meant a lot to you at the time.", "What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited? How did it make you feel?", "What’s going great in your life right now?", "What are some small things that your Dominant does that make you feel special?", "Talk about a book or movie that had a positive impact on your life. How did it change you?", "What has been the most remarkable personal victory in your life?", "Make a list of the best BDSM or D/s related books you've ever read.", "What would a perfect day look like for you?", "Recall an occasion someone was kind to you when you weren’t expecting it.", "Do you ever find you enjoy the service just for the service’s sake?", "What is one of the simple pleasures you enjoy in life?", "What book, movie, or website most influenced your first impressions of what submission was? How has that changed as you started living as a submissive?", "What does being safe mean to you?", "What can't you get enough of?", "How do you find that gratitude changes your outlook? Does this affect your submission at all?", "\"At its root, perfectionism isn't really about a deep love of being meticulous. It's about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success.\" -Michael Law", "\"Be open to your dreams, people. Embrace that distant shore. Because our mortal journey is over all too soon.\" -David Assael, \"Northern Exposure\"", "\"Challenges show us our discomfort; discomfort tells us what we fear and fears tell us where our passions lie.\" -Deborah Addington, Fantasy Made Flesh: The Essential Guide to Erotic Roleplay", "\"Dominance has nothing to do with ropes, cuffs, or floggers... It has everything to do with trust and strength.\" -Unknown", "\"I want to put myself absolutely at your mercy for good or evil without any condition, without any limit to your power.\" -Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs", "\"If I have to do something out of the ordinary for me, then we are not a match. I am going to be myself for the foreseeable future, so if that does not inspire submission now, it never will.\" -Flagg", "\"In learning to know other things and other minds, we become more intimately acquainted with ourselves, and are to ourselves better worth knowing.\" -Philip Gilbert Hamilton", "\"In your pursuit of your passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be grown-up.\" -Tom Brokaw", "\"Intimacy is based on shared vulnerability…nothing deepens intimacy like the experiences that we share when we feel flayed, with our skins off, scared and vulnerable, and our partner is there with us, willing to share in the scary stuff\" -Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt, The Ethical Slut", "\"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.\" -J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets", "\"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.\" -Francis Chan", "\"Replenish me, Master, for my well runs dry.\" -Kacie Cunningham, Conquer Me", "\"The elements of BDSM - trust, obedience, offering sacrifice, service, and connection - make it a practice of the soul.\" -Elizabeth Cramer, 23 Things You Must Know About How to Be a Submissive", "\"The paradox is that the needs of the master are not, in fact, superior to the needs of the submissive. Rather, they share equal importance.\" -Kacie Cunningham, Conquer Me", "\"There is a strong power that can be gained through surrender. It is not a power that comes from manipulation or passive-aggressive control over another person. Instead, it is a peaceful, internal power that fills the heart and soul of the slave who recognizes the pleasure that quiet obedience gives to an Owner.\" -by Christina ‘slavette’ Parker, Where I Am Led: A Service Exploration Workbook", "\"To design the future effectively, you must first let go of your past.\" -Charles J. Givens", "\"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.\" -Aristotle", "\"We do what is required of us to the absolute best of our ability- to do more is impossible, to do less is unthinkable.\" -Lois McMaster Bujold", "\"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other people's models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.\" -Shakti Gawain", "\"…what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.\" -Joseph Campbell", "\"A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.\" -Robert Heinlein", "\"A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.\" -Buddha", "\"A riding crop and a blindfold doesn’t make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It’s not a sexual thing to me; it’s a very spiritual thing.\" -DominaBlue", "\"A slave’s life is mostly composed of patience and study. Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their owner’s character, so that they can more completely and seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right manner.\" -Laura Antoniou", "\"All my soul follows you, love encircles you, and I live in being yours.\" -Robert Browning", "\"And painful pleasure turns to pleasing pain.\" - Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene", "\"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.\" -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe", "Being your slave, what should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of your desire? I have no precious time at all to spend, Nor services to do, till you require. -Shakespeare, \"Sonnet 57\"", "\"Bottoms have appetites that are their own, whereas slaves’ needs become the same as those of the Master.\" -Guy Baldwin", "\"D/s is filled with similar paradoxes. Such as Pain/pleasure. Enslavement/freedom. A circular and connected balance to exist between apparent opposites.\" -Master Nik", "\"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.\" -William Jennings Bryan", "\"Discipline gives total freedom; it allows you to go beyond limitations, to break through boundaries and reach the highest goal.\" -Chidvilasananda", "\"Do not be like servants who serve their masters expecting to receive a reward; be rather like servants who serve their master unconditionally, with no thought of reward.\" -Antigonus of Sokho", "\"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one, it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.\" -Dale Carnegie", "\"Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.\" -Martin Luther King Jr.", "\"For me, D/s is a graded endeavor. There are definitive levels of achievement. There is an unacceptable level of performance. Effort is not enough to make the grade.\" -Sir C", "\"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.\" -Henry David Thoreau", "\"Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.\" -Unknown", "\"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.\" -George Shinn", "\"How blessed am I in this discovering thee To enter in these bonds is to be free.\" -John Donne", "\"How delicious to corrupt, to stifle all semblances of virtue and religion in that young heart!\" -Marquis De Sade", "\"How will you become a clear mirror if you resent being polished?\" -Rumi", "\"I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary reward. I wish to be useful….\" -Nathan Hale", "\"I bend, but I do not break.\" -Jean de La Fontaine", "\"I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work; his sexuality, the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don’t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman, I want to be dominated. I don’t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.\" -Anais Nin", "\"I had nothing to conceal, nothing to keep secret. I belonged to my master, all of me, my thoughts, my love, my body, everything I was and could be!\" -John Norman, Dancer of Gor", "\"I have come close enough to know that there is something to the \"spiritual\" side of leather.\" -Jack Rinella", "\"I may not have gone where I intended to go but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.\" -Douglas Adams", "\"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.\" -Anna Freud", "\"If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.\" -Alex Noble", "\"Challenges show us our discomfort; discomfort tells us what we fear and fears tell us where our passions lie.\" -Deborah Addington, Fantasy Made Flesh: The Essential Guide to Erotic Roleplay", "\"There is no shame in being fearful. It is only a shame to remain so.\" -a grateful slave and Guy Baldwin, SlaveCraft", "\"Submission depends on the individual's ability to align his will with that of the dominant and use his intelligence to fulfill her wishes gracefully and efficiently.\" -Christina Abernathy", "\"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold; service was joy.\" -Rabindranath Tagore", "\"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.\" -Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running", "\"How will you become a clear mirror if you resent being polished?\" -Rumi", "\"All my soul follows you, love encircles you, and I live in being yours.\" -Robert Browning", "\"You’re not the only one who’s made mistakes, but they’re the only things that you can truly call your own.\" -Unknown", "\"To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.\" -Douglas Adams", "\"The expression of devotion through obedience and service is the cornerstone of submission, but it is only in the complete surrender of one’s self to one’s Master that one’s acts, obedience, and service come from someplace other than one’s personal desires.\" -Submissive Thoughts", "\"The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of oneself to others.\" -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin", "\"It is in the touching of one with another that we become most fully ourselves.\" -Marilyn Sewell", "\"True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.\" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery", "\"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That’s why it’s good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower.\" -Joseph Campbell", "\"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.\" -Robert Heinlein" ]); });
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